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Mine Map - Offshore UXO Contamination

The underlying aim of the map is to share knowledge and sources of offshore UXO contamination and Ordtek would welcome contributions from any other party.

User Notes

  • Mine Map is a free to use, interactive tool displaying offshore UXO contamination - currently confined to the UK Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) displayed on Mine Map, with more coming in 2019.

  • Data displayed within Mine Map provides a representation of sources of UXO contamination but is not the full extent of Ordtek’s offshore UXO database and does not show all sources of UXO contamination. For illustration purposes and usability Ordtek have rationalised the data, much finer detail is available from Ordtek and can be provided on request.

  • Mine Map is an indicative tool and does not constitute a full UXO hazard and risk assessment which should be undertaken by a UXO specialist.

  • Ordtek will continually populate this map from our own existing databases along with third party sources.

  • Ordtek gives no warranty to the accuracy or completeness of the information provided. Any errors or omissions noted please contact Ordtek on

  • Commercial exploitation of the maps and data provided on this website is prohibited, i.e. repackaging the presented information and claiming it as in-house research and will be subject to legal action.

  • Screenshots of Mine Map can be taken for illustrative purposes provided that Ordtek are fully credited and acknowledged.

  • This mapping and dataset is subject to international database rights.

Acknowledgements and Sources

  • United Kingdom Hydrographic Office (UKHO)
  • The National Archives UK
  • OSPAR Commission
  • Ordtek’s internal historical database
  • Freiburg National Archives, Germany
  • The Crown Estate